The SLT role at Blossom House School encompasses the following:
- Encouraging a total communication approach across the school, making sure that staff are using the right combination of communication methods for each pupil. This includes use of low and high tech AAC for pupils at very early stages of their communication development, use of Makaton and key word signing across the school in different ways, balancing spoken and written communications in more advanced communicators as needed, and provision of a variety of ways to show knowledge and learning within lessons.
- Supporting the consistent use of visuals to compensate for difficulties in understanding or processing verbal and written communication such as practical objects, pictures, diagrams, demonstrations, and use of symbol systems such as ‘In Print’ (Widget).
- Joint planning and delivery of selected lessons with teachers to ensure consistent use of strategies to support communication, including but not limited to; Attention Autism / Awe and Wonder, reduced rate of speech, repetition of key information, breaking information down into smaller chunks, and explicit teaching of vocabulary, provision of key vocabulary and sentence starters, shape coding, and differentiated questioning.
- Participating in problem-solving discussions around individuals, groups, and classes enabling specific support to be introduced and adapted as needed in a timely manner.
- Running timetabled small group SLT sessions.
- Providing additional paired or 1:1 SLT input as required.
- Setting and outcoming communication targets for each pupil on a termly basis.
- Writing annual reports and attending the pupils’ Annual Review Meetings.
SLTs are also involved in providing regular staff insets and training on up-to-date evidence-based knowledge around working with students who have primary educational difficulties in the areas of speech, language and communication. They are able to follow up training with modelling, joint working and coaching for staff, in order to support the embedding of new ideas and strategies across the school. Additionally, SLTs also offer parents talks and workshops on a range of topics, including things such as ‘Talking to your child about their diagnosis’, or ‘Games to support language development’, and ‘How to use Social Stories’.