Occupational Thearpy (OT) & Physiotherapy (PT) within the school

The OT & PT teams work collaboratively in their roles that encompass the following:

  • Supporting the implementation of specialist programmes including but not limited to: Zones of Regulation, Handwriting Without Tears, Write From The Start, The Teodorescu Perceptuo-Motor programme, and WriteWellProgramme.
  • Identifying, monitoring and reviewing the provision of environmental adaptations and equipment such as individualised seating for posture within the classroom, writing slopes, move ‘n sit cushions and visual aids.
  • Participating in problem-solving discussions around individuals, groups and classes enabling specific support to be introduced and adapted as needed in a timely manner.
  • Provision of age-appropriate gross motor learning break activities for use in every lesson to support attention, engagement and regulation.
  • Supporting fine motor development, handwriting and touch-typing programmes as appropriate for the pupils’ age and development.
  • Setting up and monitoring sensory diets according to pupil’s needs.
  • Running additional small group, paired or 1:1 therapy input as required.
  • Planning and providing input targeting daily living skills to develop pupils independence as appropriate for the pupils’ age and development (such as hygiene, dressing, personal safety and food preparation), in     conjunction with the SLT Team.
  • Movement sessions targeting gross motor development, motor planning, and executive functioning (for Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils).
  • Classroom skills sessions to increase pupils’ confidence and independence with everyday classroom tasks such as using a ruler or scissors, completing worksheets with legible writing and tidying up after an activity.(Key Stage 2 pupils).
  • Travel Training (for Key Stage 4 students).

The OT and PT team also provides workshops for staff and parents on a variety of subjects. For example:

  • Supporting gross motor development at home (for parents).
  • How to encourage pre-writing skills at home (for parents).
  • Creating a calm learning environment at home (for parents).
  • Sensory motor foundation to handwriting (for teachers).
  • Sensory strategies for the classroom (for all staff).
  • Supporting learners with Cerebral Palsy and encouraging independence at school (for all staff).
  • Rough and Tumble workshop (for parents.
  • Supporting your teenager with periods (for parents).
  • Sensory regulation support during tradition festive celebrations (for parents).

“Each year that goes by continues to amaze, surprise, educate and delight both our children and parents. We indeed are very proud of our school and what you the teachers provide for our children. Amazing work, amazing staff! Thank you so so much!
We are loving what you do!”

‘‘You have done a remarkable thing for my child and for all the children at the school, as well as all of the families, even as far as the reach of the extended families and the community by creating the unique school and community that is Blossom House.”

“What an absolute godsend it was for us to find you. It was the turning point in his journey, and I wanted to let you know that you’ll always have our family’s thanks and appreciation.”

“Thank you very much for the meeting earlier and for all you do for our beautiful boy.
The way you all talked through everything he has achieved was wonderful… it hasn’t been an easy journey for us to start at anew school in a new country. It was a good decision and it is so good to see that he is starting to achieve his potential.”

“I would like to also thank you for the quality and professionalism with which you have handled my child’s assessment, I now better understand the provision and also my child’s needs.”

“I can tell that the detailed approach you take during the admissions process is testament of how much you want to understand each child in order to make sure you can meet each child’s needs at Blossom House.”

".......Blossom House is like stratospherically being launched into another universe and its wonderful.....” - (A pupil)

Your child's OT provision

Throughout the school, from Early Years through to Post 16, each Phase of the school has a named OT (or OTs) who works collaboratively with other teaching and therapy staff to ensure your child’s needs are met across the whole school environment. They will provide or oversee any timetabled sessions, additional paired or 1:1 input, and the daily living skills program. They will also set up any sensory circuits and learning breaks activities that are needed, and advise on any environmental adjustments or supports required by individual pupils. The phase based OT also works with parents and families, providing support and advice as needed.

Admission enquiry

Email the admissions team or find out more about admissions.