In the Early Years stage (nursery -Year 1), children receive daily, half hour group Speech and Language Therapy sessions with a qualified onsite Speech and Language Therapist (SLT). These are called ‘Speaking and Listening’ sessions. These mostly follow an Attention Blossom model (based on the Attention Autism framework pioneered by Gina Davies, SLT) to help pupils develop key attention and listening skills.

Speaking and Listening sessions incorporate specific support and teaching of skills that help children develop the understanding of and use of language, as well as developing functional language skills in lots of different environments and activities. They focus on a range of areas such as learning new topic vocabulary, following instructions, listening to and producing different types of sounds and words, answering and asking questions, understanding and using new concepts, understanding and telling stories, using longer and more detailed phrases and sentences, using grammar correctly, understanding their own and other people’s feelings, and using language functionally to influence the world around them.
"Pupils make outstanding progress from their starting points, across subjects and year groups. High-quality teaching and a strong focus on pupils’ well-being ensures that pupils’ progress is consistently strong."
Ofsted Report June 2019
We also put considerable focus on play and social skills, helping children develop their ability to play and interact with a variety of resources, activities and individuals. An SLT is involved in daily play sessions to support the development of these skills.  The children’s group therapy includes a further targeted play session to ensure they have time and space to develop in these areas.

Each Early Years class has a dedicated SLT who works closely with the teaching staff and other multi-disciplinary professionals (such as Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists) to ensure that the SLT group sessions are linked to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. They are also responsible for making sure all pupils receive the communication support they need to enjoy and be successful in all areas of their schooling.

Our SLTs collaborate with teaching staff to identify times throughout the school day where they can support pupils in other sessions such as curriculum times, meal times and special events. They also contribute to joint planning sessions to ensure language is appropriately modified and that teaching staff know how to support each pupil’s individual needs.

Some children receive additional individual, paired or small group Speech and Language Therapy. This is on a needs-led basis and the length, type and intensity of intervention varies according to each child’s needs.To support parents’ understanding of a range of diagnoses, as well as providing further education on typical language development, specific language and communication needs and early intervention strategies, the Early Years SLT team deliver interactive parent workshops throughout the school year.

We also encourage you to seek advice and support from your child’s class SLT for any speech, language and communication needs that your child needs help with with at home and/or in the community.